Mod Promotions and Spooky Event!

Hello, everyone! I hope you’re having a great day today. I have a very special announcement regarding our staff. After more than six months of training, it’s finally time to celebrate Goober, Sillycrafthya, and Hollow as they graduate from trial moderators to senior moderators!

Also! We have a spooky event coming up thanks to Buzz the Bee! Check it out!

Come one, come all, to Doctor Whirligig’s wonderful Spirit’s Eve Celebration!

Dr. Whirligig, well-known HiveWing scientist, is hosting this years Spirit’s Eve celebration! Visit Jewel Hive and have a spine-chilling good time!

Join us for minigames galore… and perhaps a special event of frightful fun!

Time: Saturday, October 26th 2P.M. EST
Location: Jewel Hive, Minecraft Server