Meet the Staff

Our staff team is made up of three distinct levels: administrators, moderators, and helpers. See them all listed below!


What do admins do?

Admins are responsible for moderation, technical, and social aspects on both the Discord and Minecraft servers. Their expertise is on the Minecraft server, as they have had at least three months of training in command blocks and plugins. The admins are the people who plan, schedule, arrange, and host major events. Events like wars, official parties, VAs, and competitions are admin-hosted and managed.

Admins are also responsible for doing the following things:

  • Handle warns and infractions
  • Set up warps and Hub teleports
  • Suggest/manage plugins
  • Train Trial Admins
  • Suggest major changes
  • Arrange and head staff meetings
  • * Develop server programs

How are admins chosen?

No one can ascend directly to admin; a minimum of three months of training are required before promotion (see Trial Admin section.) Most admins start off as helpers or moderators before gaining experience and merit. Well-spoken, trusted, helpful, well-known, and respectful staff members are the most likely to be promoted to administrator.

Admins are required to be 15+!

* Note that this is not a requirement for our admins, but is something we typically only allow admins to do.


Minecraft: BogTheMudWing
Discord: stonleyfx
Since: May 27, 2021

Hello! I’m Stonley890, but probably best known as Bog. I’ve been an administrator since the beginning of 2022, and I first joined the server sometime in spring of 2020. I am also the Discord server owner after ebelle stepped down in 2023. My time code is PST/PDT. I’m 18 and go by he/him.

I’ve read all the Wings of Fire books and I’m generally interesting in other similar stuff. I’ve played and loved Minecraft since 2016 and I may spend a bit too much time playing it. I’ve also been playing around with music for the last few years and now I’ve made a few songs. I love video production too, which I why I made a YouTube channel near the end of 2020 where I highlighted the server I love to play. I’m not much of an artist, but I have some experience in 3D modeling and I’ve made some pixel art for the server resource pack.

I manage a lot of the technical side of things, but also a lot of other stuff. I work on:

  • The server resource pack (Dragonspeak)
  • The Dreamvisitor plugin and bot
  • The website
  • The wiki
  • The Discord server
  • Events
  • The YouTube channel
  • Moderation
  • Support

And other smaller miscellaneous things. I’ve got a lot to juggle, so please have patience with me! I’m always okay with DMs or pings, though with most things I would recommend you open a #ticket!

You can learn more about me at

I’m glad you’re here! Hope you have lots of fun.

heron profile picture


Minecraft: iHeron_
Discord: iheron
Since: June 1, 2021

Hey! I’m Heron / Krimsa / whatever my nickname happens to be, I go by he/him (I don’t mind if you call me any others though), and I’m one of three co-owners of this Discord server and an admin on the Minecraft server. I’ve been around since early-mid 2020 and began my admin career with the introduction of one of the more major datapacks that few of you might be familiar with, dubbed Elytras of Fire (of which I am still working on today). I’m in the PST timezone and I’m turning 21 as of March 3rd this year. I specialize most with datapack elements and in-game commands, so I am among those most capable to help out with any issues revolving around that.

About myself, I enjoy laughing with friends and strangers alike and making music. I dabble in content creation and other artistic media like digital drawing, 3D modeling, and video editing, but I am most familiar and comfortable with creating EDM.

While I don’t necessarily mind them that much, I would like to ask that pings/DMs are minimized unless others have been asked first 🙂 Enjoy your time here!


Minecraft: Godzilla1005
Discord: godzilla1005
Since: May 23, 2021

Heya everybody, my name is Godzilla1005 (Zilla or God for short). I’m an Admin an Co-Owner on the server as of May 23rd 2021, and I’ve been on the server since April of 2020!
I’ve been an adamant fan of WoF and dragons in general for way too long.
I’m an age, and go by they/she (enby, woo!). I am EST, so feel free to talk to me from the hours of 7am to 10pm, or just talk to me whenever. I can’t guarantee I’ll respond after 10:30pm though.

I’m not the most artistic person or anything, but I am very knowledgeable when it comes to Minecraft mechanics, commands, and building! I usually check onto the server every day, working on secret projects perhaps? I also love hanging out with people and learning about you guys! My first priority is always your enjoyment.

You’ll occasionally see me posting vague pictures of my server projects in #pictures , or see me joining conversations in #general with my trademark social awkwardness. I’m nearly always working on projects for the server, whether that be organizing parties, constructing areas for lore events, or writing up commands for interactive mini-games! (Did I miss anything? Don’t think so)

Hope you’re having fun on the server, and see you soon! Peace out ✌️


Minecraft: fffsgdfd
Discord: seaviper
Since: April 15, 2016

Hey yall! I’m Seaviper (you can refer to me by seaviper, sea, sv, or even zek), and I primarily go by she/they but any pronouns are fine by me. I’m 22 and in the EST timezone, and I’ve been an admin on this server for a fair bit. I’m not the most chatty, but I’m generally pretty chill and you may see me pop in from time to time. I love fiction whether it be books, games, or animated shows and so I have a pretty broad range of series I like, though anything with dragons is pretty much a guaranteed interest. I first picked up WoF back around 2012, and have been afflicted with the dragon brainrot since then (though my like for dragons spans back even well before WoF).

I have some commands and command block knowledge, though most of my server contributions come through builds and art. I’ve also roleplayed from time to time, so if you’re potentially interested in roleplaying with me, feel free to reach out!

Because I’m currently in college, my activity varies widely. I generally am pretty active on discord and check in/work on the minecraft server every so often, but if you need something don’t be afraid to reach out to me! I’ll do my best to help you out when I’m available, or direct you to someone else who can help if I am busy.


Minecraft: ebelle
Discord: _ebelle
Since: Always

I am ebelle (e-bell) I am the original founder of the wings of fire minecraft server and have been around since 2015/2016. I started it when I was 13 and only recently passed the torch so to speak onto Bog and Dino. I go by she/her. I’m sad I cant be a bigger part I have a lot of school and cant alwasy be around unfortunatly, otherwise I would. Catch me on the server and say hi.


Minecraft: PhenTheFireGirl
Discord: thedazzlingphoenix
Since: March 6, 2021

Heyheya! The name’s Dazzy/DazzlingPhoenix but feel free to call me Phen or my OC at the time! I’m currently a Senior Admin on both Discord and Minecraft!

A lil bit about me: I’m 21, use she/they pronouns (Demigirl :D), live on the west coast (PST gang!) and was a roleplay FANATIC in 2015-2018 (RIP FeralFront 😔). I still do some rps here and there though!

I love to draw and write, so I’ll also probably share some of my work in the art channel!

You can often see me on the Minecraft server just hanging around and chatting, or working on events!

I’ve been with the staff team for over a year now (Became staff at around April/May of 2021 I think!) so I know my way through the server, MC and Discord! If you need any help or have qualms with players, don’t be afraid to DM me! 💖


Minecraft: _SilverRain
Discord: silverkitsuneowo
Since: August 26, 2022

Hello there! I don’t think many people have read these too much, but if you are reading these, thank you for your time! My name is Silver! I am on discord as SilverkitsuneOwO (rip #4939) and Minecraft as _SilverRain. I may not be as active on the server now, but I’ll be plenty active on the new map! I hope to see plenty of players there, wether old or new, and I hope we continue to expand on discord and Minecraft!

I am a moderator (kuna is so awesome) and I love helping and giving back to this community. Whenever I’m down helping out here brings a smile on my face no matter what. I’m glad to be a part of this place, being my funny (confirmed by the players vote) and weird self.

I am interested in/enjoy reading books like wof and warrior cats, and even have ocs for both! (Obelisk and duskthroat). I love drawing as well, and you can see some of my works in art and creations and art discussion.

My Time zone is PST and I am currently 15, so I’m still in school and will be mostly busy august to June, other than weekends of course. My DMs are always open! If you have to send a friend request to dm please ping me in general! I don’t accept friend requests from people I don’t know :). I’m fine with pings too.

That’s all folks! I’m here for a fun time with friends not a long time! (I’ll be banned by last week) and if you’re a new player, don’t be afraid to talk to people! We don’t bite… for the most part. Thank you for reading!

P.S. I learn to drive soon so the road better watch out

P.P.S i forgot what I was going to put here


Trial Administrator
Minecraft: PeekaPlay
Discord: peekaplay
Since: September 2, 2021

Hi everyone, my name is peekaplay, but you can call me peeka or raina! I’m now a trial admin and joined this server on may 30th 2021. My timezone is PST and I use he/they pronouns. I like to draw, read, and sometimes write, you might even see some of my artwork in #art-and-creations :O

I try to get on the Minecraft server decently often and work on builds and/or moderate.

I’ve been staff since September 2nd 2021. If you need anything, don’t be afraid to DM me! 😀


Trial Administrator
Minecraft: fog_deity
Discord: fog_deity
Since: July 14, 2021

forgot to do this,,,

hi !
im fog, i use he/him and ive been here since may 25th 2021! im also currently im a trial admin! my timezone is CST

my minecraft activity varies but im heavily active on discord! my dms/pings are open if you need help or anything, though please refrain from spamming me! :]


What do moderators do?

Moderators are responsible for all the same things trial mods are responsible for! They handle moderation on both the Discord and Minecraft servers, and have a few more technical permissions than a trial moderator. Moderators are also responsible for training new trial moderators when and how to use bot and in-game commands. Moderators have the following abilities:


  • All permissions in Helper
  • /gamemode – Allows access to other gamemodes
  • /invswap – Swap between two inventories
  • /jail – Send a player to jail
  • /kick – Kick a player from the server
  • /royalty – Manage the royalty board
  • /sandbox – Toggle Sandbox mode for themself or other players
  • /transfer – Transfer ownership of a claim to another player or group
  • Ban Members
  • Delete/Pin Messages
  • Move Members


  • All permissions in Trial Mod
  • /pausechat – Disable the sending of messages in-game
  • /tp – Teleport a player or entity to another player, location, or entity

How are moderators chosen?

No one can ascend directly to moderator; a few months of training are required before being promoted from trial moderator. Moderators must have good judgement and communication skills.


Minecraft: Kunahic
Discord: kunahic
Since: March 19, 2022


Minecraft: Just_Meadows
Discord: just_meadows
Since: October 18, 2021

Hello! I’m Viper, I use he/they pronouns, and my favourite colours are green and yellow. I’ve been a member of the staff team since October 8th of 2021, and have been a member of this server since June of that same year.
Normally I try to observe and/or resolve scuffles on the discord server, as well as lending a hand with building and planning with the staff.

My timezone is EST, but I’m usually awake at ungodly hours of the night, so you might see me around regardless of timezones.

As of writing this, I have just turned 19, and still haven’t read all of the WoF books. I had binged most of arc one and two years ago, but I still haven’t finished Flames of Hope.
I like to draw, paint, and busy myself with all sorts of crafts, including expanding my list of characters, which has been ever-growing for about as long as I can remember! I love to yap about my favourite music artists (Ghost B.C, Will Wood, ect) Most of all, though, I like to hang out, so if you see me around don’t be afraid to say hello!
I don’t bite. (Usually.)


Minecraft: PhoenixTalon3
Discord: phoenixtalon72
Since: August 26, 2022

Heyo! My name is PhoenixTalon, but most call me Talon. I joined the server three and a half years ago, when I was barely 13. I am female and use she/her pronouns.

I enjoy drawing and roleplaying, and this server is largely responsible for my journey in both. I love to read, and my favorite books are Wings of Fire, Redwall, and Dragonriders of Pern. I’m incredibly Not Normal about insects and plants!!!! Do not let me outside I will eat your dirt and taste your trees.

Currently my schedule is kinda crazy, but I tend to be active during American afternoons. I mostly hang out around the Discord server, and am trying to figure out my minecraft situation. I do enjoy lurking in the in-game-chat channel though, so say hi if you spot me!

I am totally ok with pings and dms! I’m pretty chill (I am just a little buggy fella), so please don’t be scared.


Minecraft: Over4247
Discord: over4247
Since: March 6, 2021


Minecraft: ratttatoullie
Discord: ratteee
Since: October 7, 2023

I’m Goober/Rattee (the coolest obviously /j ) and I use any pronouns but prefer She/Her
My timezone is CST/CDT and at the time of writing this, I am 14 and turning 15 August 27th

I joined the staff team October 7th 2023, and joined the server December 31st 2022 (new year new me), and I’ve been vibing with yall ever since! This place is fr awesome

I’m relatively active on Discord and less active on minecraft, but this is subject to change in the future. I’m fine with pings, and dms are open!

I’m intensely obsessed with WoF and somewhat into Warrior cats, and am almost always creating art! I love discussing art stuff, as well as chemistry and biology!

Always feel free to throw a ping my way if you ever want to talk 🔥


Minecraft: sillycraftt
Discord: sillycrafthya
Since: October 7, 2021

im silly aka god
17 turning 18 june 27
est (ping me whenever you need me)

i am active for most of the time!


Minecraft: Focusedvoid
Discord: hollow_focus
Since: April 5, 2023

Hey everyone! I’m Hollow! (Or Shade, but Hollow is preferred)
I joined the server on 9/7/21, and the staff team on 4/25/23. I go by he/him pronouns, and they/them is also fine.
I live on the east coast of the US, and am free at random times throughout any given day, though generally late afternoon to mid/late night is when I’m most consistent. Pings are ok if you need my attention, but please refrain from random pings.
If you need any help just let me know!


What do helpers do?

Helpers…well, help out! Helpers lend a hand around the Discord and Minecraft server. They can answer technical questions about the server, direct new players around the map, and do a bit of moderating. Our helpers have a small array of new permissions they can use:

  • /editsign – Allows the user to edit a placed sign with color.
  • /mute – Mute a player for a specified amount of time.
  • /nick – Assigns a player a nickname.
  • /seen – Track when a player was last online.
  • /skull – Give yourself a skull from any player.
  • /tps – View the TPS of the server.
  • Helpers also may, with supervision, have access to other gamemodes as help on server projects and builds

How are helpers chosen?

Helpers are chosen in two ways. If the admins notice that a player is particularly active, respectful, and familiar with the community and server, they might reach out to the player and ask if they’d like a spot on the team. Helpers are typically chosen if they know a lot about the in-game map and have quite a bit of playtime and messages on the server. Helpers are the only staff member that can be chosen without an application. Alternatively, helpers can be chosen through applications. If staff applications open up, and a certain application shows merit, that person may be chosen to be a helper.


Minecraft: Abadraco
Discord: abadraco
Since: April 29, 2024

Hey there y’all! I am Abadraco, which means The Magic Dragon! (Calling me Aba or Draco is also fine). I go by he/him, though just make sure I know you’re talking to me. 17 years old in CST. I’ve been on The New World since October 4th, 2023.

I think you can tell that I like Wings of Fire and Minecraft, but I also like Fortnite and Sky: Children of the Light. There’s also the color green. Green is great—also cartoons like Gravity Falls.

I am Notif Friendly, and if you need anything from me, don’t hesitate to ask.

Stay Awesome!


Minecraft: SynchroSky
Discord: synchrosky
Since: October 7, 2023

Gello 😀 I’m Sky (Call me Sky, Synchro, Skoi, or any silly nickname)
I use Any Pronouns (He/they prefrence)
Turned 15 this year on April 14th!
I’ve been a Helper sense 10/07/22 and have enjoyed being on the staff team <3
I’m in the MST timezone and don’t sleep much and have way too much free time, so ping me if you need anything! (I’m homeschooled too so that’s why I have so much free time :])
I join the mc server occasionally and I’m on the discord a lot.

Please check out my Pronouns Page for more information on me!


Minecraft: Ultrapig1
Discord: ultrapig1
Since: October 7, 2023


Minecraft: XEnder_WolfX
Discord: xender_wolfx
Since: March 6, 2021


Minecraft: UnidentifiedBee
Discord: beezerr
Since: August 26, 2022

Bonjour! I’m Beezer or IGN is UnidentifiedBee. I use he/him pronouns and have been on the server sense May 23, 2021. I am in EST and am ping friendly as long as it’s important. I’ve recently become a helper and have been on the server for almost 2 years.


Minecraft: Laniebug_
Discord: laniebug.
Since: October 7, 2021

Heyo! I’m Lanie. I go by She/Her pronouns, I’d rather you not use any other for me! I’m not comfortable sharing my age, so all I’ll say is that I’m a minor. I’ve been in this server since June 29th, 2021 and I’ve been a Helper since March 19th 2022! I am American, using the EST timezone. I’m usually on from like 3 PM to midnight. I love Wings of Fire (obviously), Pokémon, and Marvel.

I’m pretty active on both discord and Minecraft, but sometimes I’ll be playing other servers and doing other things, so don’t expect me to be online 24/7!
Pings are fine as replies when I’m actually there and active in the chat, but I prefer you only ping me if im needed! I think that’s about it!


Minecraft: SilverSnails
Discord: snugglycactus.
Since: January 31, 2025

Hi, I’m Toad! I use they/them pronouns, am 17 years old, and my timezone is EST.

I’m mostly known for my work on the WoF:TNW wiki, but I contain multitudes. I love frogs, and I have two White’s tree frogs named Fritz der Frosch and Bimothy. My favorite tribe is the MudWings, ostensibly due to their resemblance to frogs. …The rest of my interests are all tangentially related to frogs, too.

Feel free to ping me for anything, short of spamming me with something!


Minecraft: Snoodew
Discord: snoodew
Since: January 31, 2025

Ahoyo! I am Snoodew, but you can also call me Snoo or Hopeful Heart! I am a helper as of early 2025, having been a part of WoF: TNW since October 2022, helping to build various things for the server over the years. I’m 18 and I use He/Him and She/Her pronouns, and I have a wide variety of interests. I love lore, building, reading, yapping, philosophy, and business!

I am too active on discord, and play the Minecraft server decently often. You can ping or DM me anytime, especially for cool things. Wynncraft is very cool.

Technoblade Never Dies o7


Minecraft: ThePhoenix314
Discord: mangodarainwing
Since: January 31, 2025


Minecraft: AlexTheGreat788
Discord: alezthegreat
Since: January 31, 2025


Minecraft: AnimatedAxonite
Discord: animatedaxonite
Since: January 31, 2025


Minecraft: carpinacup
Discord: carpinacup
Since: January 31, 2025


Minecraft: BuzzTheBeee
Discord: buzzthebee
Since: January 31, 2025


Minecraft: stubborntwig996
Discord: twiggleson
Since: January 31, 2025

HI! I’m Twig. I’m an artist on the server, who is pretty silly!

I’m a pretty friendly person, so don’t be afraid to say hi!

I mainly build in the server, and that’s what I plan to do as a staff member. I intend to help with building for future events and in any server builds like palaces. I also plan to help anyone with issues they are having, like claims and/or questions.


Minecraft: Starrdragon
Discord: starrdragon
Since: January 31, 2025

Heya!! I’m Starrdragon, but call me Starr :] I go by she/her pronouns, my timezone is PST, and my bday is may 15th!
I like doing art, building in mc, and generally being creative.
You’ll probably see me more on the minecraft server than on the discord! And I may be a bit antisocial but don’t be afraid to talk to me, I’m here to help out :]
Hope to see you all around! 😀


Minecraft: Calwaii
Discord: melalie_c
Since: January 31, 2025


Minecraft: hoogebrain
Discord: hoogebrain
Since: January 31, 2025


Minecraft: Starrpowder
Discord: starrpowder
Since: January 31, 2025

Hey person-that’s-taking-their-time-to-read-this! Fun Facts about me:

  • I go by Lucky, but you can also call me Starrpowder!
  • I have been a helper on WoF:TNW since 1/31/25
  • My time zone is CST
  • I’m almost always active on discord during the day
  • You’ll mostly find me active on the Minecraft Server between the times 2:00pm-8:00pm
  • Ping me and dm me as often as you like!


Minecraft: BeetleWing
Discord: shattersand
Since: January 31, 2025

Hi I’m Shatter! You can also call me Beetle 😀

I’m pretty well known on the server for building and other silly things. I like Minecraft, Hollow Knight, LoZ Games, and more!

I primarily build on the server and plan to help out with building and answering questions on the server and in said channels! I’d prefer not to mention my age 🙂

My favorite colors are Gold, Black, and Red! I love gradients for some reason. I play a LOT of Minecraft, (I have like a month playtime send help)

My favorite tribe currently is SilkWings but MudWings might overbalance them soon because I’m a frog enthusiast! I hope to know you all. I don’t mind what pronouns I am called but I prefer They/Them

I became a staff member in the most recent staff selection, I’m CST Timezone and my activity can vary due to me being in school, although I’m active on the Discord and usually active on the MC server.

I’m pretty friendly and I don’t bite!